What’s it all about

“What’s it all about when you sort it out, Alfie? Are we meant to take moooore than we giiiiive or are we meant to be kind? And if only fools are kind, Alfiiiie!!! Then I guess it’s wise to be cruel….” My apologies.

If your childhood piano book was not Burt Bacharach’s Greatest Hits than you might not break in to song when someone says “What’s it all about.”  You also might not have a lasting fascination with Dionne Warwick, Dusty Springfield and Bobbie Gentry and that’s really too bad.

But my deep seated love for Burt Bacharach is not actually what Excitement on the Side is all about.  A case could  be made that the overarching throughline of all of my writing is “what the world needs now is love, sweet love...” there I go again.

So what it is it about?  If you’re just stopping by or  you missed the backstory I thought I’d catch you up on my Greatest Hits.  I’m no Burt Bacharach, but I encourage you to take a peek around and maybe “forever and ever you’ll stay in my heart…” oh man, I can’t stop.

I started out writing my way through This Book Will Change Your Life.

I got pregnant with Lucy ten seconds after MQD and I got married and the pregnancy hormones combined with the general grossness of being knocked up resulted in my bringing the funny.

I work really hard to stare right in to the eyes of the Monsters Under my Bed.   You gotta roll out monsters.  Two pregnancies and two kids later I have a shit load of gorgeous shoes that don’t fit I need to store under my bed.  No room for monsters.

5 responses to “What’s it all about

  1. I have to admit, you say “what’s it all about” and my mind goes right to Jesus Christ Superstar’s “I don’t know how to love him,” ’cause Mary Magdalene has the same burning question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS2nX4fuzqc

    …but that’s because I’m a giant musical theater dork.

    • HA! Oh my a giant musical theater dork, too? You are my DREAM GIRL. I sent you an email. Yep. Sure did. This morning. It wasn’t this comment that pushed me over the edge but if i hadn’t already this would have.

  2. Here’s a present for you !


Gimme some love!! Please?